Parly committees out to conduct oversight inspections across SA
Standing Committee on Public Accounts (SCOPA) - Latest News
20/03, 06:42
Municipalities in financial distress reluctant to accept AG's help, Parly hears
19/03, 11:57
FS municipalities most problematic for not submitting financial statements for audit on time, SCOPA told
10/03, 16:51
SA must find new ways to recover the billions in untaxed revenue - Maswanganyi
19/02, 05:23
Defence dept's financial woes exacerbated by having to respond to emergencies at short notice, Motshekga tells SCOPA
13/02, 06:05
Eskom deliberately created urgency when it awarded Fidelity a R500m contract to protect power stations, SIU tells SCOPA
29/01, 11:38
AG's office sounds warning on financial viability of Joburg & Tshwane
29/01, 08:32
Motshekga set to appear before SCOPA following SIU investigation into Defence Dept
28/01, 15:23
Following deaths of 13 SANDF soldiers in DRC, SCOPA eagerly awaiting defence minister's Feb appearance
28/01, 11:47
SIU says at least 25 defence dept officials should face disciplinary action for illegal procurement of interferon during COVID
25/11, 12:06
Chairpersons of Parly's finance cluster committees want greater oversight of govt depts & entities
21/11, 06:30
SCOPA chairperson takes NPA to task over tackling illicit financial flows
20/11, 15:59
Prosecutions alone won't end corruption, says NPA's Batohi
20/11, 15:33
Terrorism charges added to cases against July 2021 insurrectionists, Hawks tell SCOPA
20/11, 12:06
Lack of skills & expertise slowing down pace of prosecuting complex corruption matters, NPA tells SCOPA
13/11, 15:28
18 officials dismissed for COVID-related corruption, Presidency tells SCOPA
23/10, 04:24
SAA says it's struggling to get over R1 billion out of Zimbabwe
16/10, 05:38
Nkabane says NSFAS should move out of head office where it pays R2m in rent a month
15/10, 13:45
SCOPA hears from NSFAS how students still battle with accommodation
08/10, 04:52
SCOPA to conduct oversight visits at Eskom's Medupi, PRASA sites
18/09, 16:44
Destruction of documents at SOEs a growing phenomenon that must be addressed, SIU tells MPs
18/09, 12:11
'Deep dive' into PRASA uncovered serious fraud, SIU tells SCOPA
11/09, 06:22
SCOPA members want Transnet to name people responsible for wasteful & fruitless expenditure
04/09, 15:56
AG's office casts doubt on Transnet's ability to deliver on turnaround strategy
04/09, 10:37
Medico-legal claims now a scam, 'fits definition of organised crime' - SIU's Mothibi
02/09, 09:05
Accountabililty from executive set to dominate Parliament this week
11/07, 05:12